Dear Friend,

Anticipation. If there is one word that really describes the annual pinnacle moments of entertainment, sports, and business, it's anticipation.

Which team will win the big game? Who will receive the top award? What will the new release be like?

When things of significance to us only happen once per year or so, we get really excited as we draw closer to the big day. Just try steering clear of the hot topic in conversations ... just try. It's all every one seems to be talking about.


Not just any 'ol event gets us worked up. It has to be something BIG. Something momumental. Something that dazzles...

PLR Sites are everywhere, but there is
only one package from the man who started PLR!

In 2001 I launched a monthly "resale rights" membership site (Profits Vault Monthly) that had a very successful run. I personally wrote each new product that members received each month. After a couple of years doing this I got "burned out" from the demands of creating new products on a regular basis and considered closing down the site or selling it.

Both of these options posed a problem for me. The site was making a lot of money every month, so simply closing it down seemed like a foolish thing to do. But, I couldn't simply sell it ... since members remained loyal because I was personally creating the content. A new owner wouldn't work as members would no longer be getting MY content.

One month I simply couldn't take it any longer. I looked at my computer and saw 4 or 5 reports that I had outsourced to ghostwriters and I decided that I'd just give them all to the members that month. There were reports on press releases, blogging, online auctions, success, making money. I told members they had a license to do anything they wanted with the content, even giving them suggestions on how to use the reports.

I called them "products in the rough".

people went absolutely bezerk!

Members loved them! People were talking about them on the forums. Everybody was scrambling to join the site so they could get them. Little did I know it, but the PLR market as we know it today was birthed right there.*

The next month I did it again, this time providing members with "niche" reports such as getting in shape, relationships, time management and low carb recipes.

again people went bezerk!

I knew I was on to something. I called Ryan Deiss up and arranged for a trip to Austin to visit him. We had co-authored a couple of information products together and I wanted to get him in on this. (Lucky him! :-) We spent several days brainstorming and registered in 2003.

We were working on the salesletter when Ryan asked me an all-important question...

What should we call this licensing?

It's not "resale rights" ... it's not "master rights" ... it's not "duplication rights".

What is it?

I looked at him and said,

Presto... the plr industry officially got a title was launched, making it the very first successful PLR site as we know it today online. We sold out the initial 1,500 monthly memberships in a matter of days. And since that time dozens upon dozens of sites have launched to sell PLR content.

who cares? you will because...

I am well-known for creating the highest-quality PLR content in the industry. Don't take my word for it, go ahead and Google me. ("Jimmy D. Brown") You'll find that my content is held in very high regard.

In fact, when I release PLR content with a limited number of packages available, they are usually in such demand that they sell out quickly. I created five such packages for five consecutive weeks and ALL FIVE of them sold out. And these were a minimum of $97 and up to $697 per package.

You don't command those kinds of prices in that kind of
demand without being able to deliver the goods.

When you grab the Profits Vault v15 package below - the only one that will be made available for the next 12 months - you WILL get extremely high-quality content. That is a guarantee.

Listen, there are three kinds of content when it comes to PLR...

1. crummy

There's no polite way to say this: some PLR content just stinks. If you've purchased a lot of private label works in the past, then you know what I mean. There are a lot of sites that hire extremely low-cost writers from non-English speaking countries and the result is shabby content that you'll have to spend hours of time rewriting. Wasn't that the reason you wanted PLR content in the first place ... so you wouldn't have to spend time doing it all yourself?

2. common

There are also some sites out there that provide content that is "good enough" to get by. It's not awful. It's ordinary. Common. Average. Nothing wrong with it if that's what you want. These sites usually have good ghostwriters, so grammar and context should be fine. The problem is this: they are usually written by people who have no experience or knowledge about the topic they are writing. You know that, right? Me personally, if I want parenting articles, I don't want them written by someone who has never had children themselves. Good writing is important, but better still is when good writing is combined with experience and knowledge.

3. choice

Finally, there is "choice" PLR content. Prime. High quality. 5-Star. This content represents the best of the best and isn't readily available. You simply won't find many places that offer licensing to this kind of first rate content. It's well written and oozes with insight and a voice that speaks from hands on experience. When you find a source for this kind of PLR you grab it immediately and keep going back as often as you can for more.

Why So Excited? Because of what you can do with it.

Like I said earlier, not just anything will get us excited. Crummy PLR won't do it. Not even common PLR will. But CHOICE, that's worth anticipating.

what gets you excited?

That's really the bottom line when it comes to buying and using private label content. It really depends on what type of consumer you are and what kind of materials you want to buy.

I'm guessing "crummy" or even "common" stuff doesn't get you excited. Of course, maybe you're wondering...

There are MANY ways to make money with PLR content. Here are just a few ways to profit from PLR included below...

And that's just the beginning. Here is a short list of 52 ways to quickly use PLR content...

As you can see, you've got lots of options! When you have high-quality PLR content at your disposal, the ways in which you can convert it into cash are diverse. And that makes you the headline story this year...

Yep, you. Congratulations. You're the big winner. :) Seriously, because of what you are about to access below, you've got "winner" written on your forehead. And soon to be plastered all over your business!

A "winner" is someone who comes out on top. Someone who gets the prizes. The person who succeeds. The Profits Vault PLR Package v15 is certain to be the one real boost to your business that you've been anticipating.

  1. You'll SAVE TIME by not having to write content yourself. Instead of spending weeks (maybe months) writing just ONE ebook, you'll have instant access to multiple products that you can tweak and claim as your own.

  2. You'll be able to create MULTIPLE STREAMS of income. Everyone knows that selling only one or two products won't create significant, sustainable income. It's having MULTIPLE streams of money coming in that count!

  3. You'll produce professional quality products ON A BUDGET. Instead of hiring some high-priced ghostwriter, you can get incredibly high-caliber materials for pennies on the dollar.

Listen, if that doesn't make you a winner, I don't know what does! :)

So, enough yammering, right? You've heard enough. What exactly do you get? How about this...


Everything in the Profits Vault v15 PLR Package is BRAND NEW, 100% never-before-released content. It's not available anywhere else ... period! I've never sold it, given it away, shared or, or showed it to anyone else before.

And, once you see what I've packed into Profits Vault v15, I'm confident you'll want to buy it just for your own personal use. But don't forget, you get PLR (Private Label Rights) licensing to the entire package. Over 400 pages!

Here is what is included...

Article Bank

16 Articles For Making More Money From Any Business

From creating awesome content to ramping up your marketing, these articles will put you on the path to business success. Here’s what you get…

1. How to Write a Really Great B.L.O.G. Article

The key to writing a great article is to hook your readers upfront, and keep them glued to the edge of their seat right through to the last word. Inside this eye-opening piece you’ll get a surefire system for writing a great B.L.O.G. article, which includes these steps:

Begin With Benefits Lock Readers In Offer Examples Generate a Response

Check it out to find out why so many others use this system, and why you should too!

2. Are You Making These Three Facebook Marketing Mistakes?

Facebook is a little different than many of the other communication channels you use. And that means a whole lot of marketers make some common yet deadly mistakes once they start engaging their marketing on social media. Are you making these mistakes too? Find out inside this eye-opening article!

3. Is Your Business Accounting a Chaotic Mess?

Sometimes it’s pretty easy to get a bit sloppy with the business paperwork. It’s easy to lose receipts, get lax on bookkeeping and generally get disorganized. You might miss out on legal deductions come tax time. Worse yet, these mistakes could have an auditor knocking at your door.

The solution? You can start by reading this article, which will show you how to protect yourself and your business assets with three tips for organizing your paperwork. Come tax time, you’ll be glad you read this!

4. Just What On Earth is Retargeting, And Why Does It Matter To You?

Retargeting is all the rage right now, especially since so many ad platforms make it possible. But a lot of people scratch their heads and ask, “Just what is retargeting, anyway?”

You’ll get the answer to that question and many more, including how retargeting benefits you. Just check out the retargeting FAQ inside this article. Don’t miss it!

5. POW! The Secrets of Writing a “Grab ‘Em By The Shirt Collar” Headline

Do you want to discover the secrets of writing “grab ‘em by the shirt collar” content? Then check out this article that shows you how to create attention-getting headlines that go POW! These are headlines that stop your readers in their tracks so you can:

Pique Their Curiosity
Offer a Big Benefit
Win Them Over

This exciting article will show you how to do it!

6. How to Piggyback on a Big Product Launch

Have you ever tried to compete with other affiliates during a huge product launch? Seems like everyone and their brother is clamoring to slice off a piece of the profit pie. And it’s really easy for your own promotions to get drowned out in all the noise.

So here’s an idea: Instead of trying to sell what everyone else is selling, why not leverage all the buzz to your advantage, and siphon off some of the customers and revenue for yourself?

That’s what you’ll find out how to do inside this article, so check it out!

7. Are You Building These Three Mailing Lists?

While everyone knows the money is in the list, not everyone knows you should be building multiple lists. So let me ask you – how many lists are YOU building?

Inside this surprising article you’ll discover which three mailing lists you should be building today if you want to create a thriving business. Check it out!

8. The SEO FAQ: A Crash-Course in SEO for Beginners

If you’re new to SEO (search engine optimization), then it’s pretty easy to get confused and overwhelmed by all the information floating around the web. Worse yet, bad info can get you banned from the search engines!

Don’t let that happen to you. Now you can cut through the cloud of confusion with this crash-course in SEO for beginners. If you want Google traffic, then take a look at this article today!

9. An Eye-Opening Interview With Jimmy D. Brown

A lot of “marketing experts” have come and gone in the last 15 years, but I'm still here and I'm still making money. My methods have put multiple millions into my bank account, which has allowed him more time to devote to ministry, family, and hobbies (such as running and traveling).

So what can I teach you about running a successful business online? Quite a bit, as it turns out. Read this article to find out!

10. The Three Big Problems That Can Destroy Your Lead Page Conversion Rates

You’ve probably heard about others talking about getting 20% or more conversion rates on lead pages. It’s maddening, especially if you’re having troubles cracking double digits.

So what’s going on? Chances are, your lead page has one of three big problems that are crippling your conversion rates. You’ll find out what these problems are and how to destroy them inside this article!

11. A Surprisingly Simple Way to Create More Sales

If you’re like most marketers, you’re always looking for simple ways to squeeze more revenue out your sales letters and ads. After all, there’s nothing better than making more money without increasing your ad budget.

If that sounds familiar, then you’ll love this article. That’s because you’ll discover a surprisingly simple way to get your conversion rates humming on your sales pages!

12. Who Else Wants to Make More Money From Every Customer Who Walks Through Your Virtual Door?

There are really only a few different ways you can make more money with your business. One of these strategies is to sell more products on the backend. And you know what? It’s one of the best ways, because the easiest sales you’ll ever make is to sell something else to an existing customer. That’s why this article shows you four surefire ways to start pulling more profits out of the backend of your business!

13. Five Quick and Easy Ways to Turn Your PLR Content Into a Unique Product

The problem with using PLR content straight out of the box is that there are a whole lot of other people doing the exact same thing. That means you have a ton of competition.

The solution? Transform your PLR into something unique, and you won’t have any competition at all!

The good news is that it doesn’t take that much time and effort to create a high-quality, unique product out of PLR, and this article shows you how to do it!

14. A Clever Way To Make More Money With Existing Products

If you’re like most marketers, you’re always looking for ways to squeeze more profits out of your business. Here’s a great idea that you may not have tried before: sell the licensing rights to the product.

This is a super-profitable strategy once you know the right way to do it, and this FAQ article shows you how. Check it out!

15. How to S.E.L.L. More of Any Affiliate Offer

I’m betting your current affiliate strategy pulls in a few sales, but you’re not breaking sales records. If you want to S.E.L.L. more, then check out this step-by-step strategy:

Select a Product
Edutain Your Prospects
Load Your Autoresponder
Launch Your Series

How does this work? That’s what you’ll discover inside this article, so check out this powerful super-affiliate strategy today!

16. You, a Premium Product Creator? (YES!)

Most info product marketers know they need to stock their sales funnel with multiple products. However, many of these same people think there’s no way they have what it takes to create a high-ticket premium product.

Guess what? You too can create a premium product, and this article shows you how. Check it out now, as this is sure to give your info-product business a big revenue boost!

Here’s something else in this package you’ll love…

Operations Checklists

8 Step-By-Step Systems For Getting Up And Running Fast

Whether you need to set up a blog, write a sales letter or do some testing and tracking, there are checklists in this group you’re sure to use and love. Check it out…

1. Checklist for Writing a Persuasive Sales Letter

This checklist will ensure you create a benefit-driving, curiosity arousing sales letter that’s sure to hook your readers and compel them to take action. You’ll get the steps for creating a persuasive headline, opener, benefits statements, bonuses, guarantee, proof, call to action, P.S. and more. Don’t write another sales letter without this checklist!

2. Setting Up a WordPress Blog

If you’ve never set up a WP blog before, it may seem a bit overwhelming. This checklist breaks down the task into small steps. You’ll get a checklist for installing and customizing WP, as well as steps for creating your first blog post. Use this checklist today to get your blog started off on the right foot!

3. Checklist for Finding and Hiring a Freelancer

Choosing a poor freelancer can create a time-consuming, hair-pulling and expensive nightmare for you. Protect yourself by using this checklist to cast a wide net, do your due diligence, and select the absolute best freelancer for your needs and budget!

4. Checklist for Creating Evergreen Content

Whether you’re blogging or setting up an autoresponder that you want to work for you for months or even years to come, you need to create evergreen content. This checklist gives you a quick and dirty way to be sure your content doesn’t get stale or outdated… even if someone reads it next year!

5. The Testing and Tracking Checklist

If you’re not testing and tracking your ads, sales pages and ad campaigns, then you’re leaving money on the table. Now you too can use this checklist to help you set up your system for testing, tracking and optimizing conversions. Start getting a better return on your investment and better results by putting this checklist to work for you today.

6. Checklist for Doing Market Research for a New Info Product

Sometimes you get lucky and you can create a bestselling info product based on a hunch. At other times, it’s best to do your market research to find out what is already selling so that you can create something similar but better.

That’s exactly what this checklist does for you. You can use it to quickly and easily gauge if you have a big market, plus you’ll find out what your market is already buying (so you can offer them something similar)!

7. Checklist for Setting Up a Lead Page

Setting up a good lead page requires you to piece together several components, including the lead page design, the ad copy, the autoresponder and a lead magnet. Now you can make this job easier than ever by using this checklist to get your lead page up and running the right way!

8.Checklist for Choosing a Good Domain Name

Once you pick a domain name, you’re likely to use it for many years to come, which is why you’ll want to choose it carefully. This super-useful checklist will put you on the right track to brainstorming and choosing a memorable domain name that’s a great fit for your business!

Here’s what else you get inside this big package…

In-Depth Guides

8 Marketing And Persuasion Guides To Increase Sales

No matter what you’re selling or who you’re selling it to, you’ll find plenty of great business-growing tips, tricks and secrets inside these eight guides. Here’s what you get…

1. Ten Surprising Psychological Triggers for Creating Viral Campaigns

If you’re like most marketers, you’ve probably thought about how to run a successful viral campaign. After all, there’s nothing better than getting your prospects to spread your marketing message to millions of people… for free.

Do you want to kick off one of those campaigns that gets everyone in your niche talking? Then you’ll want to read this report, where you’ll find out the 10 triggers you need to employ to kick start your campaign.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll get:

…And much more. By the time you finish this report, you’ll know the top ten secrets the best marketers know about creating viral content!

2. Show Me the Money: Five Ways to Get More Cash for Launching Your Business

There’s no denying that if you’re starting a business, then you’re going to need some cash to get it up and running the right way.

But what if you don’t have that sort of cash lying around?

No problem, because this report shows you how to free up funds to invest in your business, plus you’ll get the heads up on creative ways to create the cash flow you need to succeed.

Check out what’s inside:

And much more. If you need cash for your business, then don’t do a single thing until you read this exciting report!

3. Joint Venture D.E.A.L.S. Made Easy

Have you ever noticed all the marketers in your niche partnering up and making a whole lot of money together?

If you’re smart, you’ll want to get a piece of this sort of action for yourself. And now you can, by using the JV D.E.A.L.S. system. Take a look:

Yes, no you too can use this system to land profitable JV D.E.A.L.S. – download this report now to find out how!

4. The Five Secrets of Building Profitable Mailing L.I.S.T.S.

The money is in the list, but only if you know these five secrets for creating profitable L.I.S.T.S.! Take a look at what you’re about to discover:

Download this report and read it today… you’ll be glad you did!

5. What S.U.P.E.R. Affiliates Do Differently Than Everyone Else

If you want to be a S.U.P.E.R. affiliate, then you need to find out what they do differently than everyone else. That’s exactly what you’ll get inside this report! Take a look:

Bottom line: don’t even think about promoting an affiliate offer until you read this report!

6. What Successful Marketers Know About Creating Awesome Facebook Ads

People all over the ‘net are rocking Facebook ads to grow their lists, get new customers and boost their revenue. Now you can too by following the five-step process revealed inside this report.

Here’s a quick overview of what you’re about to learn:

Ready to create your own high-converting Facebook ads? Then read this report today!

7. 10 Psychological Triggers That Boost Sales Like Crazy

If you want more traffic, subscribers and sales, you need to understand why your prospects behave the way they do, what they’re thinking, and how you can get them to act in a desired way.

That’s exactly what you’re about to discover in this report, where we’ll look at ten psychological sales triggers you can put to work for you starting as soon as today.

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s inside:

And much, much more – you’ll get the same ten triggers the world’s best copywriters are using to drive sales!

8. Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Successful Entrepreneur?

What separates the successful business owners from those who’re still sitting in their cubicles and dreaming?

It’s not money. It’s not luck. It’s this: mindset.

Question is, do you know how to think like a successful entrepreneur? That’s what you’ll find out inside this report, including:

And much, much more. If you’re kicking around the idea of starting a business, you’ll want to read this report first!

Next up, you’re going to get a set of tools that you’re sure to use many times a week…


16 Fill-In-The-Blank Templates For Quickly Creating
Emails, Articles and Sales Pieces

No matter what kind of business you’re running online, you probably have a need for a lot of content. I’m talking blog posts, newsletters, or even joint venture proposals to send to prospective partners. Now you too can create this content more quickly and easier than ever using these 16 templates. Here’s what you get…

You can use these fill-in-the-blank templates to quickly and easily create articles for your blog, guest blogging opportunities or even in your newsletter. Here’s what you get:

Need content for your social media campaigns? This package includes two templates that you’re sure to use again and again:

Sales copy is all about getting attention, showing readers what benefits they’ll get if the take some specific action, and then calling them to action. These templates make creating a sales piece easy. Check it out:

There’s something for everyone inside the email pack. Whether you need to recruit marketing partners, motivate affiliates, or even send a promotion to your prospects, these email templates will help you get the job done fast. Here’s what you get:

And that’s not all. Here’s what else is included in this profitable package…


8 Worksheets For Starting and Running an internet Business

Whether you’re starting a new business or you’ve been in business for years, you’re sure to find one or more worksheets in this pack to help you make some big decisions. The worksheets in this pack include…

1. The SWOT Analysis Worksheet

If you’ve done any research on starting a new business, then you’re probably already familiar with a SWOT analysis. The idea is to sit down and really examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your business.

You can use this worksheet to help you identify these factors in your own business. By the time you finish answering these questions, you’ll not only know if you have a solid business idea, you’ll also have a great idea of how to compete in a crowded marketplace!

2. Personal Budget Worksheet

If you’re funding your business on a bootstrap budget, then it’s a good idea to get your household budget under control so you can free up resources to invest in your business. Use this worksheet to help you do exactly that!

3. Ad Budget Worksheet

Unless you have unlimited funds to invest in your business, you’ll need to create an advertising budget and allocate the money as smartly as possible. Use this worksheet to complete this important step.

4. Outsourcing Worksheet

Should you hire someone to do that project for you, or should you do it yourself? The answer might surprise you, as it often “costs” less to hire someone! This worksheet will you decide the best course of action for you.

5. The Customer Profile Worksheet

The key to writing great sales copy, emails, blog posts and other content is to know as much as you can about your customers. This worksheet gives you an intriguing look inside your customers’ minds so you can write content that really resonates with them.

6. Product Pricing Worksheet

The best price for your product is the “sweet spot” where you get the most amount of profit per transaction while enjoying a high conversion rate and low refunds. Use this worksheet to help you find that sweet spot for maximum profits.

7. Market Reach Worksheet

Sometimes people get what seems like a good business idea, and then they jump in with both feet. Only later do they find that they aren’t able to properly reach their market (or in some cases, the market doesn’t even exist).

You can avoid this time-consuming and expensive mistake by using this worksheet to help you determine if A) There is a cash-paying market for your idea and B) If the market is reachable.

8. USP Worksheet

Do you have a USP (unique selling proposition or position) yet? This is what makes your business different and better than the competition. If not, use this worksheet to help you create a USP that gives your prospects a reason to buy from you. This is a great way to boost sales!

Ready for even more great stuff? Check this out…

Email Mini-Courses

3 Ready-Made, Multi-Part Autoresponder Courses

Each of these three email courses consists of nine emails that are ready to load up to your autoresponder. Here’s what you get…

1. How to Setup an A.F.F.I.L.I.A.T.E. Program

Setting up an affiliate program is one of the best ways to get a lot of warm, highly targeted traffic to your website. So let me give you a quick overview of what you’ll learn over the next nine lessons. You’ll get the complete formula for setting up an A.F.F.I.L.I.A.T.E. program, which includes these nine steps:

If you want to boost your affiliate commission checks, then check out this nine-part course today!

2. The Savvy Marketer’s Guide to Launching a Membership Site

If you’ve ever thought about setting up a membership site, then you’ll love this ecourse. That’s because over the next nine exciting lessons you’ll find out how to set up your own profitable FTM (fixed term membership) site.

Here’s a quick overview of the nine easy steps:

If you’re ready to cash in on this massively profitable business model, then don’t miss this exciting course!

3. A Crash Course in Getting Traffic, Subscribers and Sales Using Video Marketing

Video marketing is no longer reserved for those with five-figure production budgets or their own in-home video studios. Chances are, you have almost everything you need to start putting video marketing to work for you right away!

And that’s exactly what you’ll find out how to do in crash course in video marketing. This nine-part email course includes:

And more! By the time you finish this nine-part course, you’ll have everything you need to know to start creating videos that put money in your pocket!

Here’s what else you get when you order now…

Tips Manuals

3 101-Tips Reports For More Traffic And Sales

Get the tips, tricks and secrets you need to get more traffic and turn this traffic into cash paying customers. Plus you’ll even learn how to think like the world’s most successful entrepreneurs! Check out these three reports…

1. 101 Proven Ways to Get More Web Traffic, Fast

If there’s one thing that just about every website owners needs more of, it’s traffic. But not just any traffic. You want targeted traffic who’s interested in buying whatever you’re selling.

So how do you get all this traffic? Answer: by employing as many proven traffic methods as possible. That’s what this report is about, where you’ll get 101 tips for driving traffic to your site across eight strategies, including:

Plus you’ll also get plenty of tips for optimizing your overall traffic strategy. Check it out!

2. 101 Persuasion and Copywriting Tips for Boosting Subscribers, Sales and Revenue

Learning the art of copywriting and persuasion is one of the best things you can do to boost your sales, subscribers, and revenue. And inside this report you’ll get 101 red-hot copywriting tips to give you an edge for these tasks:

Bottom line…

If you want to be a better copywriter and a better marketer, then grab your copy of this report today!

3. 101 Business Start-Up Tips for The Aspiring Entrepreneur

Do you want to own a business, but you’re not quite sure how to get started? Then you’ll love this report. That’s because you’ll discover 101 surefire tips for getting your business off the ground. You’ll get plenty of tips, tricks and secrets, including:

Before you start that business, grab this report!

And check out what else you get inside this package…

Swipe Files And Idea Starters

8 Swipe Files and Idea Brainstorms To Make
Quick Work of Creating Content

Whether you want a fresh, new idea for your next product or you’re looking for a little inspiration to write your next sales letter, these swipes and brainstorms are exactly what you need to hit the ground running. Check them out…

1. Niche Ideas for Starting a New Business

So you’ve been kicking around the idea of starting a new business, such as an info-product business. You haven’t settled on a niche yet. You’re not even sure where to start. You hear people saying you should brainstorm and pay attention to the news to gather ideas, but so far your list of potential markets isn’t that long.

That’s where this swipe file comes in. What you’ll discover inside are big markets with examples of niches within those markets. By the time you’re finished browsing this swipe file, you’ll have dozens of prospective niches!

2. Amazing Infoproduct Ideas For Any Niche

You’ve got a niche, but now you need an idea for your next infoproduct. No problem, because this swipe file will give you dozens of idea for your next product. Order today to get your copy—you’ll never run out of product ideas again!

3. Headline Swipes for Copywriters, Bloggers and Content Marketers

If you create and distribute a lot of content, such as blog articles, videos, email newsletters and social media content, then you need plenty of great headlines (and email subject lines) to get attention and get the click. This becomes even more important when you’re creating sales letters and advertisements.

Need a little inspiration for all these headlines? Then order this package today to get your hands on this amazing headline swipe file!

4. P.S. Swipes That Are Sure to Get Attention and Boost Your Conversion Rate

If you know a bit about writing sales letters, then you know the postscript (AKA the “P.S.”) shouldn’t be treated as an afterthought. That’s because a postscript is one of the most-read parts of a sales letter, which means it can make or break your conversion rate. That’s why you should use it to re-iterate a benefit, offer proof and/or a call to action.

Need a little help getting inspired to write a great P.S.? No problem, you can just use this P.S. swipe file to complete your next sales letter. I think you’ll like what it does for your conversion rate!

5. Call To Action Swipes for Boosting Conversions

It’s not enough to simply drop an order button or opt-in form in front of people. You need to lead them. You need to tell them exactly what you want them to do with a strong call to action.

Need some inspiration for creating your call to action? Then download the swipes in this package, which include examples for sales letters, lead pages and more. See if these swipes don’t boost your conversion rate too!

6. Guarantees That Are Guaranteed To Boost Sales

Your product is awesome. You know this. But your prospects aren’t so sure. They’ve been burned before, and they’re scared of getting burned again. So they keep their credit cards locked up tight.

Hold up, there is a solution: just offer your customers a money-back guarantee. And to make this risk-reversal as easy as possible, you can use these swipes to create your guarantee. It’s a fast and easy way to boost conversions!

7. Price Justification Swipes To Push People Toward Your Buy Button

No matter what you’re selling, plenty of your prospects are going to object to the price. They’ll be thinking things like this:

You need to handle these objections somewhere in your copy (usually near the order button). These price-justification swipes will help you do exactly that. They make price justification easier than ever!

8. Transition Swipes for Private Label Rights Content And Other Ebooks, Reports and Articles

One great way to use PLR content is to compile multiple pieces. The only problem is that it won’t read smoothly, which is why you need to create transition sentences or paragraphs between disjointed pieces.

That’s what you’ll find inside this swipe file. These transition swipes can be used for any type of content, such as when you need to change direction in the middle of an article, ebook or report. This is a great help if you use PLR, so download this swipe today!

I’m not done yet! Here’s what else I’ve included in this once-in-a-lifetime package…


8 Planners To Get Your Business Running Smoothly

Most smart business owners set aside time every week for planning. Problem is, good planning can take many hours or even days. Now you can shortcut this process by swiping these eight planners. Check them out…

1. Planning Your Business the Smart Way

Perhaps you’re kicking around the idea of starting up a new business, or maybe you’re already in the start-up phase. Let me ask you this: do you have a business plan?

If not, you’re not alone. But a business without a plan is going to drift around aimlessly like a ship without a rudder.

So if you haven’t created your business plan yet, then set time aside right away (as in, today) and use this super-useful planner to get your business heading in the right direction!

2. Planning Your To-Do Lists for Maximum Productivity

Do you create to-do lists for your business? If not, this is something you should start planning on a weekly basis. What’s more, you should have multiple lists, including daily, weekly, and monthly to-do lists.

This planner will help you develop these lists. Order now and you can download this planner right away!

3. The Savvy Marketer’s Guide to Planning Your Sales Funnel

Average marketers create a product, sell it, and then brainstorm their next product. Smart marketers think several products ahead. They don’t just brainstorm a product idea. Instead, they brainstorm an entire sales funnel. That’s what this planner will help you do too, so check it out today!

4. Website Planning Made Easy for Small Business Owners

Your website could very well become the best sales person on your staff, which is why it’s so important that you carefully plan and design it. You need to plan the actual design, what your primary goal is, how you’ll integrate your branding, and much more. This website planner will get you started off on the right foot.

5. The Podcasting Publishing Planner

If you’re planning a podcasting series, the last thing you want to do is wing it. The key to creating a great podcast is to plan every podcast well in advance. In other words, you create a publishing calendar for the next six months or even a year.

How do you plan your podcasts? Answer: by using this podcasting publishing planner. Order now and this planner is yours!

6. The Non-Coder’s App Planner

You don’t need to be an app developer to design a great app. You just need to have a good plan in place and hire a great team to help you. That’s exactly what this app planner will help you do. Order now to start using this planner right away!

7. Webinar Planning Made Easy

It’s easy to stumble and even embarrass yourself during a live event. That’s why you shouldn’t even think about doing a webinar unless you have a copy of this planner in your hand. Use this planner to create an event that’s smooth, memorable and educational. Order now to get your copy!

8. The Smart Marketer’s Social Media Planner

There’s a good chance that your audience visits social media sites like Facebook and Twitter on a daily basis. Many people even log in multiple times per day. That’s why it’s so important for you to develop a social media marketing strategy. That’s exactly what this planner will help you do. Order now to get your copy – you’ll be glad you did!

That’s not all. Order now and you also get this…

Ready-Made Infographics Text

8 Content Pieces For Creating Awesome Infographics

Do you want to make infographics, but you don’t know where to start? Start here! All you have to do is add your own graphics to create informative, viral content fast! Take a look at what you get…

1. The Secrets of Developing Your Brand

Your direct-response sales materials generate sales and revenue in the short term. Once your ads expire or other content disappears, sales drop off.

That’s why branding is so important. Branding creates “top of mind” awareness. This means your customer thinks about your products and your business even if your advertisement is not right in front of them. Now you can use this infographic text to help you create your own strong brand!

2. Three Clever Ways to Grow Your Business

You didn’t start your business just so you call yourself a “business owner” at dinner parties. You started it to make money. And that’s why growing your business is a top priority. This infographic text shows you three proven ways to do it!

3. Google Ranking Factors That Make the Difference

Google uses over 200 ranking signals in their algorithm to help them determine where the various pages of your site will appear when someone inputs certain keywords into their search engine.

Search engine experts know what many of these factors are, though no one knows the exact weight given to these factors in the search engines. What we do know is that some factors carry more weight than others… and within this infographic text you’ll discover these factors for yourself!

4. The Five Keys to Building Trust In Your Market

People do business with those they know, like and trust. Question is, does your market trust YOU? This infographic text will show you the five keys to put into place to start building that trust and boosting your sales!

5. Are You Mobile-Market Ready?

About 2/3 of adults in the US own a mobile phone, and a large number of these users regularly access the internet using their phone. Is your website mobile friendly? Check this infographic text to find out – you might be surprised!

6. How to Create an Awesome Customer Service Experience

Did you know that 91% of the people who have a poor customer service experience with you will NEVER do business with you again? Discover even more sobering statistics inside this infographic text, plus find out how to give your visitors a great experience that will have them coming back for more!

7. Creating a Viral Contest Is As Easy As 1… 2… 3

A well-planned contest may go viral naturally when excited entrants tell the friends about it. But you can make sure your contest goes viral by following the three simple steps inside this infographic. Check it out!

8. Should You Be On Social Media?

Some small business owners look at social media as an alien concept. Others look at it as a passing fad. But the smart business owners see social media as a way to reach and interact with their target market. Check out the eye-opening facts and figures inside this infographic text to see if you should be riding the social media wave too!

I'm Sold...So What's this gonna cost me?

If you bought the individual pieces of this package for PERSONAL USE ONLY you'd spend up to $297.00. And that wouldn't get you any licensing at all. Just the materials to read for your own use. For PLR licensing to these high-quality materials, you'd expect to pay a premium ... an even higher price point! And if you wanted to hire someone to create these for you...


That's half price for what you'd pay for this package for PERSONAL USE ONLY if you bought everything individually. But you're getting private label rights (PLR) licensing to everything listed above to use as if you created it yourself! This is truly worth at least $497.00 and probably $697.00!

At the price I'm offering you, it's a no-brainer!

You Get It All..


Even if nothing else was included but the materials for your personal use only, this would be an INCREDIBLE package deal for this price. Factor in the licensing and this is the champ.

You get PLR to everything...

Article Bank: 16 Articles For Making More Money From Any Business
Checklists: 8 Step-By-Step Systems For Getting Up And Running Fast
In-Depth Guides: 8 Marketing And Persuasion Guides To Increase Sales
Templates: 16 Templates For Quickly Creating Emails, Articles, And More
Worksheets: 8 Worksheets For Starting And Running A Business
Email Mini-Courses: 3 Ready-Made Multi-Part Autoresponder Courses
Tips Manuals: 3 101-Tips Reports For More Traffic And Sales
Swipe Files: 8 Swipe Files To Create Content Quickly
Planners: 8 Planners To Get Your Business Running Smoothly
Infographics Text: 8 Content Pieces For Creating Awesome Infographics

PLR To over 400 pages of brand new content!

There Are Two Ways To Order Profits Vault...

Option 1

Would you like to download these materials for your own personal use? This is the option for you! For just $27, you can download everything mentioned above immediately in .pdf format for you to read on your computer or favorite device, or print out. This is an incredible value when you consider everything that you are receiving for one low price.

Option 2

Would you like to SELL this package and keep 100% of every order? This is the option for you! When you order the PLR version, you will get everything on this page in editable .doc format for you to rebrand and sell as your own.

Order Now

Best regards,

RESTRICTIONS: What Can't You Do With These Materials?

  • To protect the value of these products, you may not pass on the rights to your customers. This means that your customers may not have the PLR rights or reprint rights passed on to them.

  • You may not mention Jimmy D. Brown as the author or creator of these materials in any way in your marketing, development of products or usage of these materials, nor may you mention Profits Vault.

  • You may not use any content from this offer as part of another PLR product.

  • You are not permitted to give the paid parts of this package (reports and products) away in their current state for free - they must be sold. They must be edited to be given away.

  • If you are going to claim copyright to anything created with this content, then you must substantially change it to distinguish yourself from other licensees.

  • Jimmy D. Brown reserves the right to make final decisions on any usage of PLR content purchased from this site that is not specifically addressed in these terms and his decision is final.


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