Pssst! A Fortune Lays Hidden in Your Email List -
Here's How to Quickly and Easily Tap Into This
Virtual Goldmine Starting Today..."

Now you too can discover the secrets of getting your subscribers to open
your emails, read your content, and click on your sales links! Here's how...

Dear Small Business Owner,

Picture it…

It’s California, 1848. A man by the name of James. W. Marshall finds gold in Coloma. Word spreads quickly. In a matter of a few years over 300,000 people will flood California to look for their fortune.

The first prospectors had it easy. Gold was everywhere and easy to find. Heck, all you had to do was dig with your hands to find it. If you didn’t have a pan for prospecting, even a kitchen bowl would do.

But soon all the easy pickings were gone. Those who came without the right tools couldn’t access the gold that was hidden behind hard rocks. The only ones who discovered gold and struck it rich were those with the sophisticated tools and skills needed to extract large volumes of gold in hard-to-reach places.

You know what? That’s exactly what’s happening today for those who’re using email marketing to build their businesses…

The Only Business Owners Making Money
With Email Marketing Today Are the Ones
Who're Using the Right Tools and Strategies...

And the good news is that you’re about to get your hands on these tools and strategies!

Think about it…

Back in the 1990s it was ridiculously easy to make money with a mailing list. Email was a new-fangled invention and folks signed up for newsletters like crazy because they loved getting email. What’s more, they read every single email they received.

Talk about a gold rush. For email marketers it was like standing in a California river in 1848 – all you had to do was reach down and grab a handful of gold.

Today it’s all different. Your prospects are tired of email. They guard their addresses like a hungry pit bull guards a juicy steak. Their inboxes are overflowing, their time is short, and so they trash dozens of emails daily without even looking at them. Your emails are probably sitting in the trash right now.

Simply put…

If Your Newsletter Subscribers Aren't Even Opening Your
Emails, Then You're Not Making Any Money...

That’s why Job #1 is for you to get people to open your emails. Job #2 is to get them to read the entire email. And Job #3 is to get them to click on the links in your emails and buy what you’re selling.

If you’re not making as much money as you should be with your list, then something is wrong. And I’m here to help you fix it.

You know what one of my secrets to success is? I know how to build a responsive mailing list. I know how to write sizzling emails that people open, read, click on and buy from. And now I’d like to share my email marketing secrets with you…

Introducing "Promo Payoff" - A Jam-Packed Course and
Template Set That Gives You Everything You Need to
Start Creating Sizzling Emails That People Open, Read,
Click On and Buy From!

This isn’t just some ebook – this is a three-module home study course that includes tips, tricks and strategies for creating a responsive mailing list. Plus you’ll even get dozens of templates to help you create compelling subject lines and emails.

Just look at what you get instant access to when you order today…

Module 1: Promo Copy Clinic
How To Get Others To Open And Read Your Promos

This is the “meat and potatoes” part of the course where you’ll find out everything you need to know about creating effective, revenue-boosting emails, including:

And much, much more – everything you need to know about creating emails that your subscribers will open, read and buy from!

Module 2: Promo FireStarters
Swipe File of 75 "Copy And Paste" Pieces of Promotional Kindling

You know why some emails almost never get read? Because reading them is as boring as watching grass grow. If you want to create riveting emails, then you need to do something different – tell a story, share a quote, create an analogy. And that’s exactly what these 75 emails starters do. This set includes quotes, weird facts, sports trivia, info about famous people and much more.

Just copy and paste a starter into the beginning of your email, write the rest of your email and send it off to your list – you’ll be amazed at how well these starters engage your audience!

Here’s why you’ll love these email starters:

Here’s an example:

Are you waiting for the perfect moment?

Anne Frank said:

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

That’s incredibly insightful for a child. And you know what? She was absolutely right. We don’t need to wait a single moment to improve the world… or to improve ourselves.

If we wait for the “perfect moment,” you can bet it will never come. Life gets in the way. We create more excuses. Our goals keep getting shoved to the back burner.

So forget about waiting for the perfect moment to begin, because that moment is NOW…

[Transition to how readers can begin some niche specific task or activity…]

Point is, the right tools make it easy for you to develop effective email marketing campaigns that get subscribers to open, read and buy from your emails. And that’s why you also get a second set of templates…

Module 3: Promo To Go
Set of 50 "Fill-In-The-Blanks" Promotional Announcements

You’ll get everything from reminders to promotional emails to announcement templates in this 50-email set. Just fill in a few blanks, sign your name and send it out to your list. You’ll create emails in just a few minutes – it’s easy!

You can use these “plug and play” emails in a variety of ways, including:

Let me give you an example template to show you just how easy it is to compose emails using these templates:

What would you do if [something good happened]?

Hi [First Name],

Imagine this…

You [do something, like write a novel]. A short time later, you [get a good result, like hit the bestseller list].

Sound impossible, or at least a little unlikely?

It’s not. And that’s because all you need to know to [get a good result] is inside this [book, video, webinar, etc]: [link].

Get yours now and you’ll discover:

  • How to [get a benefit].
  • The #1 way to [get another benefit].
  • The secret of [getting a good result].

And much more. Check it out now at: [link] – you’re going to like what it does for you!

[sign off]

P.S. Act now and you’ll also get [another benefit] – go to: [link]

Bottom line: there’s something in this template pack for just about every occasion, and you can use these 50 templates to save time whenever you need to compose an email!

Module 4: Promo Idea Lab
52 Ways To Create Special Promotional Offers

There are dozens of different ideas for creating promotional offers that get orders fast. In this module, we'll highlight the best 52 ways, including lots of examples to get your creative juices flowing fast!

One of the best ways to keep your newsletter subscribers excited and paying attention is by sending them a variety of emails – and that includes sending them a variety of promotional offers.

To that end, you’re about to discover
52 promotional offers to send to your list.

In the first half of this report you’ll discover 26 different ways to create promotional offers based on contests, bonus incentives, discounts, special sales and a whole lot more.

In the second half of the report we’ll focus on incentives, where you’ll discover 26 clever ways to use discounts and bonuses to create excitement and boost your conversion rates.

Want a quick look? Here is one of the 52 ideas that you will discover in just a few minutes...

Idea #16: Retire Or Semi-Retire A Product.

Nothing spurs sales like scarcity. That’s why you may want to consider retiring or at least semi-retiring a product, by removing it completely from the market for as little as a few months to forever.

Tip: Be sure to focus on the scarcity and run this promo for a few weeks before you retire the product.

Here are examples of how to put this idea to work. You might say:

1. This is the last time I’m ever going to offer this live workshop, so order now!

2. is going off the market completely in two weeks, so be sure to claim your copy of this package now before it’s too late.

3. I’m taking this software off the market for the next six months to tweak it, revamp it and make it more powerful than ever. Order now to start using it today – and you’ll get a free upgrade when the new version comes out!

Listen, these four modules give you absolutely everything you need to create high-response, revenue-generating emails. But I want to make it even easier on you by including these value-added accessories for free…

Act Now and You'll Also Get These Highly
Effective Bonus Email Marketing Tools

We keep saying the fortune is in the list. Indeed, it might surprise you to discover that there are actually a variety of ways to extract this fortune out of your list.

Selling your own products or services tops this list, and it’s the method most people associate with making money with email marketing.

However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

And the more money-making methods you know, the more strategies you have to test to see which brings you the most profit.

In this 30-page bonus, you will receive a selection of "in-house" resources that are sure to help you get your promotions to payoff! Included is a "monetization report" that showcases six ways to earn money with your list.

It’s no secret that conversion rates are low when you’re trying to persuade cold prospects to buy your product. That’s one reason so many savvy marketers entice prospects onto mailing lists with freebies, and then follow-up with three, five, seven or more emails to build trust and close the sale.

But if you’ve ever created an autoresponder series with the goal of directly selling a product, then you know it’s no walk in the park. It takes a little finesse to pitch products in a way that seems useful, rather than just giving your readers that uncomfortable feeling that they’re being “sold to.”

That’s where these five “fill-in-the-blanks” email templates come in – which you can use to write your autoresponder series, build trust with your subscribers, and start closing more sales.

So give these follow-up templates a try starting today, and see if they don’t give a boost to your conversion rates!

Think of your typical vending machine:

The vendor puts something into the machine, such as chips, soda, candy or even toys. Then each week the vendor goes to his machine and takes something out (money).

It’s simple and profitable. A good mailing list works the same way:

You put something in – such as good content – and
you’ll get to take something out (like money).

However, the notion of “good content” is where a lot of beginning (or even veteran!) newsletter publishers stumble. They pump out newsletter after newsletter to their list, but they don’t get any sales. Indeed, sometimes the only thing they get is a shrinking list as their prospects hit the “unsubscribe” button.

So what, exactly, is good content?

It’s useful content that works to build relationships with your subscribers while also giving you the ability to recommend paid products and services.

And indeed, over the next few weeks you’ll get step-by-step instructions for creating five types of “good content” mailings, including:

  • The News-Centered Mailing, which rides the coattails of a current news story or event.
  • The Greatest Hits Mailing, which is where you point your readers to some of your best content.
  • The What I Use Mailing. This mailing allows you to educate your readers while promoting paid offers.
  • The Contributor Mailing. This one works great to build solid relationships with your readers.
  • The Welcome Mailing. Here’s where you’ll learn how to start building relationships with your newest subscribers.

These fantastic follow-up mailings will help you convince more subscribers to get "off the fence" to order your product.

The bottom line is that if you sell anything via email, then this entire package is your secret weapon for increasing sales and growing your business. So let me ask you this:

What's All This Worth to You?

Tell me, what is ONE good lifetime customer worth to you? I’m talking about someone who’ll buy multiple products from you over several years.

If you’re like most small business owner, then that one good customer is worth at least a couple hundred bucks to you. If they’re buying high-end products from you, then that one customer will add thousands of dollars to your bottom line.

That means that if what you discover in this course helps you engage just ONE person – meaning that one person opens your emails and starts buying what you’re selling – then this course is worth hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars to you.

Now, the good news is that you don’t need to pay $200 or $300 for this course (though it’s certainly worth it). Because if you act now, you’ll get everything you see on this page for just $97 – and when this course engages just one extra person on your mailing list, you can count on recouping your investment.

Listen, I’ve been using these same email marketing strategies for over a decade. They work for me. They work for countless numbers of my friends and colleagues. And they’ll work for you too – guaranteed…

This is a 150+ page curriculum that actually is available separately for $127. If you order today, I'm including it as a bonus at no extra charge!

In it you will...

Discover a simple system for using a mini-course to
promote products, grow your mailing list and make money.

Here’s how it works…

You set up a subscription page (also known as “landing page,” “opt-in page” or “squeeze page”) that entices your prospects to join your mailing list.

Once your prospect has subscribed, he’ll receive a five-part mini course.

These emails will accomplish two things:

  • Provide good content. This helps build trust with your subscribers. And building a good, trusting relationship helps you accomplish the second goal…
  • Promote paid products and services. Yes, this is where you make money. You can promote either your own products and services or you can promote affiliate offers.

Not only will you learn how to provide good content and promote products in your initial five-part email, you’ll also learn how to keep the cash rolling in long after the mini course is over.

Because, you see, you’re building an asset – a mailing list – that will pay you over and over again if you nurture it.

And your goal is to promote a variety of products to your list once your initial mini course is complete.

In this curriculum you will learn how to do everything...

  • Part #1: Layout – In this lesson you’ll learn the actual steps of how to create a high-converting opt-in page.
  • Part #2: Information – This is where you’ll learn how to create a high-converting, five-part email course.
  • Part #3: Strategy – In this lesson you’ll find out how to convert your prospects into customers, both now (during your five-part course) and later on when you create content for the coming weeks and months.
  • Part #4: Traffic – This is where you learn how to get targeted visitors to your opt-in page so that you can start building your list… and your bank account!

Every lesson is detailed with complete step-by-step instructions, so there’s no guesswork.

You’ll also have homework to send to me after each lesson, which will help you take action, hold you accountable and keep you moving forward.

Over 375 pages of templates, training, and
swipe files are included in this amazing package!

Use just ONE of the included resources just ONE time and you are almost certain to recoup your low investment in the Promo Payoff package. Everything else you earn from using it in the future is FREE MONEY FOR YOU!

There Are Two Ways To Order Promo Payoff...

Option 1

Would you like to download these materials for your own personal use? This is the option for you! For just $97, you can download everything mentioned above immediately in .pdf format for you to read on your computer or favorite device, or print out. This is an incredible value when you consider everything that you are receiving for one low price. The fast action bonus sells for more than the cost of this entire package and that's just one small part of all you get!

Option 2

Would you like to SELL this package and keep 100% of every order? This is the option for you! When you order the PLR version, you will get everything on this page in editable .doc format for you to rebrand and sell as your own. You will also get a sales page, complete with graphics, just like this one! (With only a "personal use only" order button below). Sell just five copies and you'll have your investment returned. Everything else is pure profit!


Order Now

P.S. I can't think of a better way to learn how to write irresistible emails than by picking up this course and email template set. Your satisfaction is guaranteed, so order now!

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